Tuesday, September 29

Water for Irrigation (Long or short term strategy)

Last week there was a debate on weather current efforts to promote agriculture in Tanzania by expanding land under irrigation is a short term solution. what triggered the debate was based on the fact that the rivers tha where we intend to tap this water are rainfall dependent and that water levels have declined tremendously over the past few years. on the ohter hand rain water harvesting is challenged by issufficient rain.

It is understandable that current food insecurities has forced many people to think that rainfed agriculture is responsible for what has been happening over the past few years.Partly yes. 

In Tanzania and elsewhere in East Africa expanding land under irrigation is seen as the only solution to current fall in food production. It is not suprising therefore that the Budget for putting up infrastructure for irrigation will triple in the next few years. But looking at the issue critically, the follwing questions come into my mind
(a) how long is irrigated agriculture going to work margic?
(b) what other options have we skiped?

Looking at the many documents on improving irrigated agriculture what strikes your eyes is numbers, what numbers? - hectares of land to be put under irrigation over a given time frame. These days we are also accumstomed to seeing reports on enviornmental impact assessment confining discussion on issues of ecosystem disturbances, loss of employment, desplacement of people and participation of local community is project implementation.

While this is acceptable, I have not seen reports on strategies for maitaining water sources and catchments, negleting this important aspect will in future determine the sustainability of many irrigation projects. many water authorities as interested in managing water use but neglecting the component of sustainable use (i.e. conservation)  take an example of DAWASA the former DAWASCO, most of the water controlled by the Company comes from Ruvu River, - which is several kilometres way from Dar es Salaam. I am afraid that none ofthe DAWASA officials has ever developed interest in ensuring constant water flow is manitained leave alone knowing what happens at the source.  Lack of interest translates in less effort to support conservation at the source, this applies also to TANESCO and other bodies which I beleive have budget for supporting conservation as aprt of corporate responsibility. While it is clear that rainfall is erratic, it is equally important to know that water flow will soon be erratic if we do not conserve our forests and other wetlands and incorporate water source conservation in every irrigation shcheme. 

And since most irrigation shcemes will be set up at lower plains of many rivers no one will take interests on what happens at the source (usually several km away).  In a slow but sure process the water level will drop as we have seen in many cases. even big rivers can dry up when no care is taken, this will bring us back to square one. This has happenned in the case of IHEFU  and is happening to Masai Mara river due neglect at the sourcce particularly in MAU forest in Kenya but now the impact is being felt in our homeland as well.

Monday, August 17

Land issues and the future of smallholder farmer in TZ

Land grabbing comes in three faces, legal acquisition, illegal through a third party and forceful acquisition. Of late the fourth and most dangerous one has emerged in the face of Investors seeking land to promote agricultural export. According to the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) report released in June 2009, over 20 million hectares of land was transferred to investors in recent months. The motive behind seeking land acquisition is to be able to feed their people at home. The report further says most of the countries seeking land acquisition are those which their climatic conditions prevent any agricultural development.

While this form of investment hardly benefits the local population and their governments, the idea has gained momentum in many African countries particularly Ghana, Uganda and DRC. The trick behind this form of investment is mechanized agriculture will help to move countries oud dangers assocoated with food insecuirty and provide employment.
However one fact remains, whatwever is produced is exported and the goverments have little or not control at all. This emanates from the fact that most of the concession are aggreed at higher levels such that revolking the rights becmoes an international relationship and political issue. In Africa reading oil producers are equally leading importer of the same products and has stated fuelling conflicts which will soon spill out of control. With International money transfers being introduced payments for the sale of crops and other products can be effected in their home countries thus evading tax.
Given the scale of food shortages in many countries especially those with unconducive climatic conditions, it is not surprising that multinational companies and other investors are backed by their government to acquire land in Africa. Practical examples comes from East African Community member states where the issue of land reservation in Tanzania is facing tough opposition from Kenya. The Current Food Crisis in Kenya will probably fuel the government to pressurize Tanzania into concession over land issues so that landless people can acquire land in Tanzania.
Land Issues in Zimbabwe started probably in the same way as what we are starting to witness in the form of investors. redistributing land has become and international and political issues which has resulted in human sufferings.
My suggestion therefore, looks at the status of Tanzanians in 100 years to come. First we need to look at foreign investment as a short term projects that shifts with labour costs. Also we should remember that any short termprojects takes little interest in sustaibale use of resources due to drive for quick profit maximization. Thus it is important to limit the land that can be allocated to foreign investors. But equally for local investors, we need also to monitor the activities and promissed benefits presented in the proposal. Local large scale investors too need to monitored especially for sources of unding. This will minimize the possibility of foreign investors acquiring land using local people, and with Pirates on the rise the dangers of such money are high. Therefore the best option is to put infrastures that will stimulate agricultual production and provide police environment for smallholder farmers to grow and benefit through better market incentives. Local processing industries will be key to better pricing and to attainment of the vision 2025 and bring us somewhere close to attaining MDGs.
While countries such as those in the Middle East have made use their oil reserve to make the world super powers bend. We can equally use of land to make money for our country- not by selling land but by supporting our farmers to export. Land should remain our our treasure and no one should seek to negotiate.land issues. We can exchange food for oil and other items, and compete in the global economy this is the only way we can eradicate poverty and not by giving land to so called investors who are not even interested in our short term gains but for their home countries (read more www.spore.cta.int/images/stories) or Spore Issue No 142 August 2009

Friday, July 3

The First Wind Energy in Kenya

Kenya will this month commission it first wind energy to the national grid. The news yesterday come at time when the country had closed one of the dams supplying electricity to the country while the second Hydro electric power supply source is to be closed in the next few days as the water is at its lowest level.

The timing of the commissioning of the wind power is not of interest to me. What interests me is the country's long term plan. Certainly the Wind energy project was under way even before the drought problems began. This mean KenGen which the Kenyan Version of TANESCO in Tanzania has plans already for alternative energy.

We all know how friendly wind energy is to the environment at the same time making wonders to looming power cuts. While Power shortages in Tanzania has become the order of the day life, TANESCO need to emulate KenGen and take steps to invest on such cheap source which are obviously rainfall independent. Areas like Same around Makanya and where warnings to driver of Strong winds which I believe have enough wind to generate profitable power and this area could be a the second gold mine and a vital part of our national economy and where we don't need investor to come and tell us what to do. while Kenya is planning to establish more sites around L. Victoria we should the ones to maximize the extensive coastal belt and harness this energy to supplement our ever aging machines and avoid the second Richmond saga since drought will always come in the near future.

Saturday, April 18

ARI-Tumbi Kuendesha Mafunzo juu ya utoaji wa huduma kwa wakulima

Kituo cha utafiti kanda ya magharibi ARI - Tumbi kinatarajia kuanza kutoa mafunzo kwa watafiti wake juu ya utoaji huduma kwa wakulima yenye lengo la kuongeza ufanisi katika kueneza teknolojia sahihi kwa wadau wake.

Mafunzo haya ni sehemu ya utekelezaji wa mpango wa kuendeleza sekta ya kilimo nchini -ASDP. Lengo hasa ni kuwafanya watafiti wawe na mtazamo mpya ambao unalenga kutoa huduma zaidi na kuwa na mfumo shirikishi katika kufanya utafiti au kueneza teknolojia sahihi. vile mafunzo yanalenga kuhimiza ushirikishwaji wa wadau wengine hasa watoa huduma na mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali (NGOs) ili kuweza kufikia walengwa kwa urahisi na kuhakikisha matumizi bora ya rasilimali. Mafunzo haya yatatolewa kwa awamu tano ambazo zitahusisha nadharia (wiki 1) na vitendo (mwezi 1). Mwishoni mwa kila awamu, watafiti wataleta mrejesho (feedback) na kuanisha changamoto zilizopo kwa ajili ya kuzifanyia kazi.
Matarajio ya mafunzo haya ni kuweza kubadilisha mtazamo hasa hali ya sasa ya utoaji huduma ambazo msistizo ni kumuchukulia mkulima kama mteja na mshirika katika kupambana na umaskini. Pia ni kumjengea uwezo mtafiti hasa katika kufanya taftishi ambazo zitaleta tija. Mafunzo haya yataratibiwa na wataalamu walioteuliwa na wizara za Kilimo Chakula na Ushirika na Mifugo na Uvuvi.

Thursday, April 9

"The DECI saga and our reaction" who is not serious!

This week was not a good one to some of us, In Tanzania there was then a new mini financial crisis at least to some of our fellow Tanzanian.

It all started with a statement that the financial company that started by capitalizing on the fact that over 80 percent of the population are in one way or another involved in agriculture which is characterised by sowing the seed and waiting for the right time to harvest. The company then came up with a phrase "sow and leap" which was well crafted that people rushed to the offices as opposed to the field to sow their cash. As we all know you cant sow sorghum and and harvest rice so people made sure that they sow money to their expectations of getting money plus as opposed to maisha plus.

The philosophy

enriching people with wealth has always been our slogan at least with the advent of multi party system and ever since the terminology has become synonymous with good politics as every politician claims to make people rich should they open a door for his entry in the political arena. And one would ask, what is wrong with making people rich anyway? as our fellow DECI company did or other politicians have been trying to. by the way DECI comes from Development Entrepreneurship Community Initiative a well chosen phrase I suppose , with clear vision and philosophy of making people rich by their own standards.
However with its good intentions, it transpired from the BIG BANK that DECI was violating the financial regulations and engaging on business it wasn't registered for, which may be true at least from one of the big guys from the BIG BANK of Tanzania, but what was surprising -was the reaction from people - the supposed beneficiaries, sympathisers and DECI management- that there were people who were not happy with their success. Blames from both side has something that remain to be desired. they went to the press to seek support from the mass. And the mass (WE) as we have always been we supported the call.
It was very surprising as even the "intellectuals at the hill" blamed that BIG BANK but did not give sound suggestions or best option to get out of the mess.
Tanzania is indeed a good country, a country with a long history of simply trusting, we don't query but support what comes up regardless. We all (at least some us) know khow the financial crisis started in West where Obam resides- we are told that there was too much trusting which in the end backfired in the US. But for DECI to operate for such a long period of time without the BIG BANK reacting timely also shows how weak we are in terms of M&E and we always remain vulnerable. It was as well very wrong for DECI to go on AIR (press) without consulting the BIG BANK it was not a good idea and it will never be; to seek support from the President simply because one is doing business in the name of supporting the president's call - poverty reduction. I want surprise to hear that they will remain defiant and continue with the business, what is wrong then with following the procedure, this is our country. seeking the president to intervene is extremely wrong, there is a question of ethical way of doing things, we need to focus on purity and keep a clean sheet as was the case with Barcelona yesterday 4-0 against Buyern otherwise we are not serious with following protocols, rules and regulations and we will not be patriotic in the process. But there then who is not serious in doing his/her job! we (the mass)?, DECI or the BIG BANK?
for more information see

Tuesday, March 31

Client Oriented Research and Developmnet Management Approach (CORDEMA) - _ Changing the Mind set

The government of Tanzania has been undrtaking reforms in the agricultural sector- aiming at improving service delivery. The catchy word is "business unsual" and tells the minstry's intention to adopt new ways of conducting its day to day activities and working with partners. What is striking about the approach is the focus on changing the mindsets of staff though trainng giving rooms for feedback through implementation of CORDEMA

What is real CORDEMA?
Thia is an approach that helps agricultural research organization to improve their level of client orientation for effective and efficeint research. It entails the facilitation of comprehensive organizational change and affects both research managers, scientists, support staff donors and other partners of the agricultural research such as NGOs and farmer organizations.

Under the approach it is believed that change is gradual but continous and that every research organization has certain degree of client orientation. As said earlier CORDEMA's goal is to increase the level of client orientation of agricultural research centres through improved management and organization. The goal can be achieved by fulling the five purposes also known as the five management areas of CORDEMA

1. ensuring the availability of qualified staff through improved human resource management within
agricultural research centres.
2. enhancing efficiency, transparency and accountability of agricultural research institutes through
improved financial management
3. ensuring long term viability of agricultural research institutes through improved external relations,
collaboration and demand-driven research
4. guarantee implementation of quality research projects through improved research planning,
co-ordination, monitoring and evaluation
5. increasing the impact of agricultural research on rural development through increased output
production and information dissemination

For each management area/ purpose there is set of activities that in needed to achieve a certain set of expected output (or management capacities i.e abilities that are required to achieve an objective defined in each CORDEMA area). aslo for each management capacity there are sets of management activities.

Looking at the overall concept and the sets of activities necessary to achievel the goal (internal organization of research institute and the relation ship between research centres and other stakeholders) I believe it is time that our research system in Tanzania can move farmers to a new level but also attract global attention and take a lead role in supporting smallholder farmers what we need is comitments and moving from business as usual to business unsual. " I believe we can"

For more information about CORDEMA and ASDP can be observed at
http://www.kilimo.go.tz/ .

words of wisdom

"Without food security there wont be time for positive innovation"

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